Doprava | | 2024

konstrukci, nemá význam je osazovat. Na to jsou lepší klasické mostní závěry s ocelovými kotvami. Ale na veškeré rekonstrukce či částečné opravy jsou ideální,“ říká David Jelínek. Možnosti kotvení U dilatačních závěrů TENSA®CRETE není nutné žádné dodatečné vyztužení nebo kotvení. Všechna zatížení jsou přenášena přímo vazbou mezi polymerbetonem a nosnou konstrukcí. Aby byl umožněn přenos sil do sousedních konstrukčních prvků, musí mít povrch vybrání pevnost v tahu minimálně 1,5 N/mm2 (beton) nebo 3,0 N/mm2 (ocel). ROBO®FLEX by neměl být aplikován na nový beton v průběhu 14 dnů po betonáži. „Realizace závěrů je relativně jednoduchá. Nijak nezasahuje se nosných konstrukcí mostu,“ uvádí David Jelínek, v čem jsou mostní závěry společnosti mageba unikátní. Instalace Instalaci dilatačních závěrů TENSA®CRETE a vložení polymerbetonu ROBO®FLEX musí provést kvalifikovaný a certifikovaný personál. Koordinaci těchto činností na místě provádějí zkušení projektoví manažeři. Použité materiály Pro výrobu dilatačních závěrů TENSA®CRETE se používají následující vysoce kvalitní materiály - ocelový profil z oceli třídy S 235, těsnicí profil 63 Mostní závěr TENSA®CRETE typu RE Mostní závěr TENSA®CRETE typu RE-LS Výhody • Ideální náhrada za elastické a kobercové mostní závěry • Minimální dopravní zácpy v případě projektů rekonstrukcí • Kratší a snadnější montáž než u běžných spojů • Žádný dopad na nosnou konstrukci • Zlepšená ochrana proti hluku díky prvkům pro snížení hlučnosti • Práce může provádět vlastní kvalifikovaný personál expansion joint is maint and concrete connecnstalled on virtually all bridges. Thanks to its epth, it is particularly fitting in cases where sion joints are rolled as a result of intensive pplies to the replacejoints (e.g. those damw clearing equipment). time of TENSA®CRETE nd the additional posassembly reduce traffic stics all three axes and rotadge are possible without ending on the standard, RE type and 100 mm for e of concrete, with traffic again in just 4 or 6 hours stallation is possible – ced traffic congestion to various materials and djoining structures water-tight Customer benefits • Ideal replacement for bituminous expansion joints and mat joints • Minimum traffic congestion in case of refurbishment projects • Shorter and easier installation than for conventional joints • No impact on the main structure • Improved noise protection through noise-reducing surface • Work can be carried out by own qualified personnel activities is carried out by our experienced project managers. Cross section Typ RE Cross section RE-LS Benefits - s e - - - s f e - r w t d , e e - . - - l s y e d e - - • Resistant to wear and chemicals • Up to 80 % noise reduction with the noise-reducing sinus plates for the RE-LS type Anchoring No additional reinforcement or anchoring is necessary with the TENSA®CRETE expansion joints. All loads are transmitted directly through the bond between the polymer concrete and the substructure. To allow the transmission of forces into the adjacent structural elements, the surface of the recess must have a minimum tensile bond strength of 1.5 N/mm² (concrete) or 3.0 N/mm² (steel). ROBO®FLEX should not be applied to new concrete within 14 days of pouring. Installation The installation of the TENSA®CRETE expansion joints and the insertion of the ROBO®FLEX polymer concrete must be carried out by qualified and certified personnel. The on-site coordination of these activities is carried out by our experienced project managers. Cross section Typ RE Cross section RE-LS 1 2 3 ts wear and chemicals noise reduction with the noisinus plates for the RE-LS type reinforcement or anchorry with the TENSA®CRETE ts. All loads are transmitted gh the bond between the ete and the substructure. To smission of forces into the tural elements, the surface ust have a minimum tensile of 1.5 N/mm² (concrete) or eel). ROBO®FLEX should not ew concrete within 14 days n of the TENSA®CRETE ex- and the insertion of the olymer concrete must be qualified and certified pern-site coordination of these ried out by our experienced ers. Typ RE 1 2 3 oduction TENSA®CRETE type RE and RE-LS singap joint systems are expansion joints gap widths up to 80 mm for the RE type 100 mm for the RE-LS type (these valcan vary depending on the construc- standard). e RE-LS is also equipped with a noiseucing surface in the form of “sinus es”. This results in noise reduction of o 80 %. steel edge profiles of the SA®CRETE expansion joints are anred in ROBO®FLEX waterproof polymer crete. The joints are suitable for new structions as well as for refurbishment ects. A major advantage is the fast and -effective installation of the system, ause the joint is only installed in the s-sectional area of the wearing surface no further interference with the unying carrying construction takes place. a of application TENSA®CRETE expansion joint is mainsed for asphalt and concrete connecs and can be installed on virtually all and existing bridges. Thanks to its installation depth, it is particularly able for retrofitting in cases where minous expansion joints are rolled or are fissured as a result of intensive The same applies to the replacent of worn mat joints (e.g. those damd by heavy snow clearing equipment). installation time of TENSA®CRETE ansion joints and the additional posity of phased assembly reduce traffic gestion. duct characteristics Movements in all three axes and rotaons of the bridge are possible without onstraints Gap widths, depending on the standard, p to 80 mm for RE type and 100 mm for E-LS type hort setting time of concrete, with traffic ble to pass over again in just 4 or 6 hours fter installation ane-by-lane installation is possible – esulting in reduced traffic congestion asy adaptation to various materials and hicknesses of adjoining structures oints are 100 % water-tight 1 TENSA®CRETE expansion joint RE type 2 TENSA®CRETE expansion joint RE-LS type 3 Damaged bituminous expansion joint 4 Damaged mat expansion joint Customer benefits • Ideal replacement for bituminous expansion joints and mat joints • Minimum traffic congestion in case of refurbishment projects • Shorter and easier installation than for conventional joints • No impact on the main structure • Improved noise protection through noise-reducing surface • Work can be carried out by own qualified personnel • Resistant to wear and chemicals • Up to 80 % noise reduction with the noise-reducing sinus plates for the RE-LS type Anchoring No additional reinforcement or anchoring is necessary with the TENSA®CRETE expansion joints. All loads are transmitted directly through the bond between the polymer concrete and the substructure. To allow the transmission of forces into the adjacent structural elements, the surface of the recess must have a minimum tensile bond strength of 1.5 N/mm² (concrete) or 3.0 N/mm² (steel). ROBO®FLEX should not be applied to new concrete within 14 days of pouring. Installation The installation of the TENSA®CRETE expansion joints and the insertion of the ROBO®FLEX polymer concrete must be carried out by qualified and certified personnel. The on-site coordination of these activities is carried out by our experienced project managers. Cross section Typ RE Cross section RE-LS 1 2 3 4 gap widths up to 80 mm for the RE type 100 mm for the RE-LS type (these valcan vary depending on the construc- standard). e RE-LS is also equipped with a noiseucing surface in the form of “sinus es”. This results in noise reduction of o 80 %. steel edge profiles of the SA®CRETE expansion joints are anred in ROBO®FLEX waterproof polymer crete. The joints are suitable for new structions as well as for refurbishment ects. A major advantage is the fast and -effective installation of the system, ause the joint is only installed in the s-sectional area of the wearing surface no further interference with the unying carrying construction takes place. a of application TENSA®CRETE expansion joint is mainsed for asphalt and concrete connecs and can be installed on virtually all and existing bridges. Thanks to its installation depth, it is particularly able for retrofitting in cases where minous expansion joints are rolled or are fissured as a result of intensive The same applies to the replacent of worn mat joints (e.g. those damd by heavy snow clearing equipment). installation time of TENSA®CRETE ansion joints and the additional posity of phased assembly reduce traffic gestion. duct characteristics Movements in all three axes and rotaons of the bridge are possible without onstraints Gap widths, depending on the standard, p to 80 mm for RE type and 100 mm for E-LS type hort setting time of concrete, with traffic ble to pass over again in just 4 or 6 hours fter installation ane-by-lane installation is possible – esulting in reduced traffic congestion asy adaptation to various materials and hicknesses of adjoining structures oints are 100 % water-tight 1 TENSA®CRETE expansion joint RE type 2 TENSA®CRETE expansion joint RE-LS type 3 Damaged bituminous expansion joint 4 Damaged mat expansion joint Customer benefits • Ideal replacement for bituminous expansion joints and mat joints • Minimum traffic congestion in case of refurbishment projects • Shorter and easier installation than for conventional joints • No impact on the main structure • Improved noise protection through noise-reducing surface • Work can be carried out by own qualified personnel Anchoring No additional reinforcement or anchoring is necessary with the TENSA®CRETE expansion joints. All loads are transmitted directly through the bond between the polymer concrete and the substructure. To allow the transmission of forces into the adjacent structural elements, the surface of the recess must have a minimum tensile bond strength of 1.5 N/mm² (concrete) or 3.0 N/mm² (steel). ROBO®FLEX should not be applied to new concrete within 14 days of pouring. Installation The installation of the TENSA®CRETE expansion joints and the insertion of the ROBO®FLEX polymer concrete must be carried out by qualified and certified personnel. The on-site coordination of these activities is carried out by our experienced project managers. Cross section Typ RE Cross section RE-LS 2 3 4 Poškozený elastický mostní závěr Poškozený kobercový mostní závěr